Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I was at the grocery store a few weeks ago (or maybe months.... I don't cook very often these days) when I discovered what I consider to be a small miracle food - Lactose free cheese! Some of you may be thinking, "yeah, so, what is the big deal?" The big deal is that I am lactose intolerant . I have to say that I was a little afriad that it was going to be discusting. Turns out lactose free cheese tastes as good. It could be argued that it tastes even better than regular cheese. I am not sure the chemical processes that are involved in making cheese lactose free, but it is a miracle.

I have also come to the conclusion that it a miracle that anyone every gets married. Really if you think about it, very few relationships actually work out. If even one relationship makes it, you are lucky. Typically only one relationship ever works out. That two people ever meet, are attracted to each other, fall in love and get married is an act of God. A miracle second only to child birth.


Kara Lee Robinson said...

What happened to the guilty movie pleasures blog. I am still waiting for that one. :) BUT, as we have already discussed, I completely agree with the miracle of finding someone to marry. Good thing "we believe it miracles."

Kelsey said...

Hooray for little (and big) miracles!