Sunday, September 13, 2009

What I have been up to - August Edition

August was a busy month, but also VERY fun. I finished my internship on August 14th and headed home for a 10 day visit. While I home I got to celebrate both of my parents birthdays, the birth of a new niece, go school shopping with my single sisters whom I love and adore. We have a great time together, even if I am old enough to be the mother of both of them, provided I started having children when I was 14. I also got to just hang out and do "a whole lot of nothing" which was definitely needed after the crazy busy summer I had and in preparation for the school year (which is possibly crazier than last year, if you can believe that!) Included in my "whole lot of nothing" was days at the swimming pool and hitting the driving range with my oldest niece and nephew (ages 7 and 5 - sadly I left my camera in the car and didn't get any pictures of that craziness.)

I returned to Provo in time to help out for a day at New Student Orientation and then left the next day for the Annual MBA Marketing Association (MBAMA) in Moab, UT. Fun times were had by all. Below are the collages of each of the "main" events as well as just random hanging out photos. It was WAY easier to do it this way, plus I am being totally lazy.

Day 1: Arrive @ hotel, free time until dinner. We had dinner @ the Broken Oar and it was super delicious and a great time to socialize and learn more about one another. After dinner we headed to Zion's Bank for an industry professional presentations. We listened to Nathan Anderson from Union Pacific talk about Business to Business Marketing. It was fairly interesting - much more so than last year, but I think that may have something to do with the fact that I actually understood all of the business lingo that what used. What a difference a year makes!

DAY 2: Friday morning we were up at bright and early (what I affectionately call the "butt crack of dawn") for our hummer safari. It was fun. We went on the same trail as last year, but part of the trail was closed so we didn't get to ride as far, nor did we get the REALLY fun hills. :-(

Yes we are kind of ridiculous with all of our photos, but we had a good time. My favorite photo in this collage is the one of the girls jumping in the air (I took the photo and it makes me happy every time I look at it.) And to quote my friend Rand, "Moab was a big success. Although I was unable to attend, I know it was a success because there were dozens of photos of women in the program jumping in the air at the same time, which is a key success metric of any road trip."

After we returned from our Hummer safari, we went to hang out in the "Walmart Lounge." Walmart was one of our corporate sponsors for the event and provided us with all kinds of snacks. We had a great time socializing until all hours of the night (and during the day too).

After an hour or so of socializing, it was time to get dressed for the Capstone event - the Rafting excursion down the Colorado River, also known as "Rafts vs. Duckies" Basically the float down the river turns into a humongous water fight. It is a LOT of fun, especially since it was about 100 degrees.

(Please note Nicole and I smiling nicely in our ducky. We were minding our business watching everyone else get thrown into the river while we stayed nice and dry. Directly below the picture of Nicole & I is an overturned ducky. Sadly it was Nicole and I. After evading everyone's attempts to overturn us for at least a couple of hours, we got dumped. In the photo to the left is our pathetic attempt to hold onto our ducky while trying to overturn Kyle's. As you may have guessed, we were unsuccessful.)

After playing on the river all afternoon, we headed back to the hotel to shower and get ready for dinner (Zax's Pizza). After dinner we went back to Zion's for another presentation. This time from Walmart on Retail marketing. We got started early and presentations were suppose to be an hour. At the 1hr 50minute mark and no idea of how much longer the presenter had left ( his presentation got interrupted with a Q&A session) I turned to the person sitting next to me and pointed to my watch. Apparently the guy from Walmart saw me, made a comment about people in the back looking at their watches and decided to wrap it up. I really wasn't trying to be rude, but seriously - 2 hours!? I did apologize later and explain that I didn't mean to be rude,I just wanted to make sure he would be able to finish his presentation. Good thing I have no desire to work for Walmart!

After presentations we went back to the hotel to eat ice cream sundaes by the pool and for more socializing. We discussed such various topics as restaurants, classes, cuddling while sleeping vs. no cuddling and whether or not snoring was a "deal breaker" in deciding whom to marry. It was extremely entertaining and enlightening.

DAY 3: Saturday morning we got up early and headed for Arches National Park and hiked to the Delicate Arch. Good times, although I would recommend taking more water and starting even earlier. It was HOT! (My shorts were all dirty so I had to wear my jeans - not the best hiking gear for the location)

After lunch in the parking lot, we loaded the vans for the journey back to Provo; tired, a little sunburned and ready for another fun year with MBAMA.


Palmer Family said...

Sounds like lots of fun. It was great to see pictures of your family.

Colleen said...

Sounds like you did have a really busy August but sounds super fun!!