Thursday, May 22, 2008

One of "those" weeks

Where to begin, where to begin? I have so much fodder for blogging...I could rant about the intricacies of the English language, being set up on blind dates, why people seem to think that I need to be set up on blind dates, hanging out at the ER listening to a patient who OD'd on heroin, old friends, or maybe something else. But I think I choose something else.

This week started off on a bit of "bad note" one might say. You see Sunday night I was just beginning to wind down the weekend and was psyching myself up for the upcoming work week when I had to accompany my roommate to the she was not the patient who OD'd on heroin. She has been having some heart problems and she had really severe chest pain. If you ever want to get immediate attention at the hospital, tell them you are having chest pain or that you had numbness on one side, preferably the left... They take you right back. Anyway, the unfortunate side effect when you have chest pain is that they run ALL kinds of test that take hours and hours. I mean, how long does it take to decide if you need to keep someone at the hospital? Six hours, that is how long that it took, so my plan to go to bed early was foiled. Well, technically I guess I did go to bed early, early in the morning! It was past 2:30am when I final was able to go home and get some rest... Trying to sleep curled up in the ER chair just was not cutting it.

Anyway, because I was totally sleep deprived on Sunday night, my whole week has been off! I am totally dragging and it doesn't matter how much sleep I get, I just can't feel rested. Also I have been EXTREMELY grumpy with the whole world. Monday I was so tired that I really hated everyone! The last time I could recall being that grumpy was when I stayed awake for 48 hours straight! It was kind of funny, but not really. Typically I am a pretty easy-going friendly kind of gal. Not Monday! Even I could not believe how cranky I was and I wasn't even menstrual. It was "a Clements not eating for a week" kind of bad. (and for those of you who live with or are a Clements, you know what I am talking about - NOT Pretty!)

I guess the moral of today's story is don't be a good friend. If your friend has to go to the ER on a Sunday evening (or any evening for that matter), tell them "See you later, sucker. I need my beauty sleep!" er, I mean you just go, but perhaps you should invest in a warning label for everyone else around you and be prepared to have one of "those" weeks.

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