Tuesday, January 20, 2009

January is for....redecorating?

For months, perhaps even a year, I have REALLY wanted a new duvet for my room, but since a new duvet typically runs in the neighborhood of $200-$300, I have resigned myself to what I have. Not that the duvet that I have is bad, I just wanted something different. Perhaps it is the ADD in me or my propensity to get bored with things really quickly. Well, Saturday (when I should have been doing homework - like right now) I went to Bed Bath & Beyond with Julina. She needed to get something to help her be organized and since she LOVES a bargin we wandered through the clearance section of the store. I decided to look and see if they had anything that I could afford on my stupid student budget (Can I just say once more how much I dislike living on nothing? It is REALLY cramping my style!) Much to my surprise and happiness I found a new duvet that cost $25! I could definitely afford that, so I made the purchase and now all I want to do is spend time in my room. My new decor makes me so happy. It has made the typically miserable month of January much more bareable.

1 comment:

Palmer Family said...

I can see why! I love the color. Congrats on the purchase!